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What are acrylic aquariums? A Complete Guide

Introduction to Aquarium Acrylic

Aquarium acrylic, also known as plexiglass, is a popular alternative to traditional glass aquariums. It is made from a transparent thermoplastic material that offers numerous benefits to aquarium enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned hobbyist or a beginner, understanding the nuances of aquarium acrylic can greatly enhance your aquatic experience.

Benefits of Using Aquarium Acrylic

Aquarium acrylic boasts several advantages over glass, making it a preferred choice for many fish keepers.


One of the primary benefits of aquarium acrylic is its durability. Unlike glass, acrylic is less prone to shattering or cracking, making it a safer option, especially in households with children or pets. Its resilience to impact also reduces the risk of leaks, providing peace of mind to aquarium owners.


Acrylic offers exceptional clarity, allowing for a crystal-clear view of the aquatic environment. Its transparency closely resembles that of glass, ensuring optimal visibility of fish and décor. Additionally, acrylic is less susceptible to distortion, providing a distortion-free viewing experience from various angles.


Compared to glass, acrylic is significantly lighter, facilitating easier handling and transportation. This lightweight characteristic also makes it an ideal choice for large or custom-built aquariums, where weight can be a concern.

Types of Aquarium Acrylic

When considering aquarium acrylic, it's essential to understand the different types available in the market.

Cast Acrylic

Cast acrylic is manufactured by pouring liquid acrylic resin into molds, resulting in a solid sheet with uniform thickness. It offers excellent optical clarity and is preferred for applications requiring intricate shapes or designs.

Extruded Acrylic

Extruded acrylic is produced by extruding molten acrylic through a die, forming continuous sheets with consistent thickness. While slightly less optically clear than cast acrylic, it is more affordable and readily available in various sizes and colors.

Choosing the Right Aquarium Acrylic

Selecting the appropriate aquarium acrylic involves considering several factors to ensure optimal performance and longevity.


The thickness of the acrylic sheet is crucial for maintaining structural integrity and withstanding water pressure. Thicker acrylic sheets are recommended for larger aquariums to prevent bowing or flexing over time.


Before purchasing aquarium acrylic, determine the dimensions required to accommodate your aquatic inhabitants comfortably. Consider the available space in your home or office and choose a size that complements the overall aesthetics.


Aquarium acrylic can be customized to suit specific shapes or configurations, offering versatility in design. Whether you prefer traditional rectangular tanks or unique curved structures, acrylic can be tailored to meet your preferences.

Maintenance Tips for Aquarium Acrylic

Proper maintenance is essential to preserve the clarity and integrity of your aquarium acrylic.


Regular cleaning is crucial to remove algae, debris, and mineral deposits from the acrylic surface. Use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to avoid scratching and mild soap or aquarium-safe cleaner to maintain cleanliness.

Scratch Removal

Minor scratches on acrylic surfaces can be buffed out using a specialized acrylic polish or scratch removal kit. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to achieve optimal results without damaging the acrylic.

Where to Find Aquarium Acrylic for Sale

Aquarium acrylic is readily available from various sources, both online and offline.

Online Retailers

Numerous online retailers specialize in aquarium supplies, offering a wide selection of acrylic tanks in different sizes and configurations. Websites like Amazon, eBay, and specialty aquarium stores provide convenient access to a diverse range of products.

Local Pet Stores

Many local pet stores or aquarium shops carry acrylic aquariums and accessories for sale. Visiting a brick-and-mortar store allows you to inspect the quality of the acrylic firsthand and seek expert advice from knowledgeable staff.

Cost Considerations

When investing in an aquarium acrylic, it's essential to consider both the initial cost and long-term savings.

Initial Investment

While acrylic aquariums may have a higher upfront cost than glass counterparts, the benefits they offer justify the investment for many enthusiasts. Factors such as size, thickness, and customization options can influence the overall price.

Long-Term Savings

Acrylic aquariums are known for their durability and longevity, potentially saving money in the long run by reducing the need for replacements or repairs. Additionally, their lightweight nature may result in lower shipping and handling costs compared to glass.

Installation Process

Installing an acrylic aquarium requires careful consideration and attention to detail.

DIY vs. Professional Installation

Depending on your level of expertise and comfort, you may choose to install the aquarium yourself or hire a professional. DIY installation can be rewarding but requires proper planning and execution to ensure a watertight seal and structural stability. Professional installation guarantees expert craftsmanship and alleviates potential concerns regarding leaks or damage.

Safety Precautions

When handling acrylic sheets or performing installation tasks, prioritize safety to prevent accidents or injuries. Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, and follow recommended guidelines to minimize risks.

Common Misconceptions About Aquarium Acrylic

Despite its numerous benefits, there are some misconceptions surrounding aquarium acrylic that warrant clarification.


Contrary to popular belief, acrylic is highly durable and resistant to impact. While it may scratch more easily than glass, modern acrylic formulations are designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, making them suitable for use in aquariums.


Older acrylic formulations were prone to yellowing over time when exposed to UV light. However, advancements in acrylic technology have mitigated this issue, resulting in improved UV stability and color retention.

Difficulty in Maintenance

Some people mistakenly believe that acrylic aquariums require more maintenance than glass tanks. In reality, proper care and cleaning are essential for both types of aquariums to ensure optimal conditions for fish and aquatic life.

Aquarium acrylic offers numerous advantages over traditional glass aquariums, including durability, clarity, and lightweight construction. By understanding the different types of acrylic, selecting the appropriate size and thickness, and following proper maintenance practices, aquarium enthusiasts can enjoy a visually stunning and long-lasting aquatic display. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, investing in aquarium acrylic can elevate your underwater experience to new heights.

FAQs About Aquarium Acrylic

  1. What is aquarium acrylic?Aquarium acrylic, also known as plexiglass, is a transparent thermoplastic material used to construct aquariums and aquatic displays.

  2. How is it different from glass aquariums?Acrylic aquariums are lighter, more durable, and offer better clarity than glass tanks. They can also be customized into various shapes and configurations.

  3. Can aquarium acrylic be repaired if scratched?Yes, minor scratches on acrylic surfaces can be buffed out using specialized acrylic polish or scratch removal kits.

  4. Is acrylic aquarium safe for fish?Acrylic aquariums are safe for fish and aquatic life when properly maintained. They are free from sharp edges and less prone to shattering than glass tanks.

  5. How long does aquarium acrylic last?With proper care and maintenance, acrylic aquariums can last for many years, providing a durable and visually appealing aquatic habitat for fish and enthusiasts alike.

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327, Jubao Road, Shuqiao Village, Dongqiao Town, Ningbo, China